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Gary Payton Interview for Oregon State University

Gary Payton Interview for Oregon State University

Gary Payton sat down for an interview at Oregon State University's basketball practice facility ribbon-cutting. Transcript: Gary: When we walked in Gill Colosseum and, all the fans were sold out every night. The day before, when I come here, after practice we see all the students were camping out and getting ready for the big game against Arizona. Against UCLA. It's me running up and down the floor, and getting an and 1 and everybody going so crazy. All the orange up in the stands. The people, the alumnis right there on the floor going crazy. Then I remember the student athlete section. When they always chanting "GP" "GP!" You know, and they going crazy and I make a big bucket and I raise my hand up and they go crazy and everybody go crazy. I remember a lot of that. That was really great. Even when I used to come to practice and Ralph Miller used to sit right there and I used to hear him eehhh eehhh with the long cigarettes and stuff so it was really great for me. There were great moments. Really great moments. And I look back on it today and say "it couldn't have been nothing else." Nothing else for me to go. Nowhere else for me to go but here at OSU. Gary: A lot of things happened to me in my pro career. Uh, but you know what? The best thing that happened to me in my pro career was when I went through 2 years, my first 2 years of being a mediocre basketball player. When I was only playing in the first and third quarters. And I thought I was this player coming out of Oregon State as this number 2 pick and I wasn't that player and I decided that I needed to work. And when I got a new coach in George Carl and especially our assistant coach Tim Gurgeritch who came from UNLV and took me to, in my third year, took me to the Utah summer league and told me that you need to work. You need to play summer league. After three years being in the league I need to play summer league. He went back and showed me videos of me playing here at Oregon State and said this is where we want to get you. And that's where he got me. And when that happened that was the biggest point in my life ever. And then the other one is when I lowered my head and I put that gold medal on my chest for the Olympics representing my country. I never thought about that. You know, I never thought about that in my life- doing that type of stuff. Then, I look back now and say that was probably one of my proudest moments. Then I got to do it again a second time and did it again. It was really a proud moment. People might say me winning the championship- no. Me winning the defensive player of the year and being the only guard to ever do it- no. Right now I think that was probably the proudest moment. I think right now in my life, that I'm about to be in the hall of fame in a couple months. That I made the hall of fame and I'm about to say the speech, that will probably be a proud moment in my life too. That will probably be the one that they say "you've done what you had to do with basketball and now it's really here and we recognize that you were one of the greatest basketball players to ever play the game." Gary: Hey I'm Gary Payton and I played here at OSU from 1986 to 1990 Check out our work at:
Mistaken Identity - A Spoken Word Easter Presentation

Mistaken Identity - A Spoken Word Easter Presentation

For Easter. A story of our beginnings and where Jesus comes in. Performed by Phil Long Written by Phil Long and Jamie Lawson Produced by Jamie Lawson It was a mistake, This going our own way; Not trusting The One who loved us into being. We see that now. The Choice appeared wise - but the promised knowledge was poisoned with mistrust. “You’ll know good and evil. ..become just like God.” The betrayal appeared delicious - but we choke on the bitterness it brought - into this life He gave. We still abandon Creator, - suffocating in the staleness of our insurrection. We're on the outside now - looking in. The warmth, and light, and life we once had, a deep memory our hearts still crave, but we never seem to know. We ARE the collateral damage. The deafening roar of our defiant separation from LifeGiver ...still wrecking our souls - Fear, speaking louder than Peace - Shame, louder than Trust - Fissures of doubt, growing the space between us New-found desires claim the seats of influence - The desire to take instead of give - The desire to dominate and oppress - The desire to manipulate and hoard Their mistaken Choice has become Our selfish stampede – We are out of control. Darkness reigns where there once was light. We need different words to speak our fallen reality. Broken words. Hopeless. Hungry. Desperate. Greed. Betrayal. Tears. ...Death. His life-giving Revelation had been reduced…to our Resignation. There was no way out alive. - How could all this hurt be unbroken? - Who could dry these tears? - Unmake our loss? - Who would ever be worthy? So He came, and wrote with truth upon the sacred scroll - A new story… - This sadness, unremembered... - This death, removed… - This life reborn… Our past so tragic, Our present, so tainted, But our future is full of hope! And now, the time has come for us to sing a new song - To tell a new story, Where His spent blood heals our hope and transforms our bitter wreckage into joy. Where lost are found, Slaves set free, Death destroyed! Where the Risen One, - the Only Son of Heaven, - God/man, Living Proof of Love, calls us home again
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