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Team 302 Goes International, Discovers Children Are The Future

Earlier this month, Jamie of Team 302 travelled at least 75 miles to Slovenia, a country in Central Europe. His goal was to do some good and have some fun along the way. He and eight other Americans assisted Johnny and Brooke Stevens and their Josiah Venture team in putting on an English camp for middle school students in Slovenia. Jamie can be spotted below as the only team member who has enough money to buy themselves aviator sunglasses.

In addition to leading and guiding many enthusiastic and non-bilingual American teenagers through their roles in putting on this English camp, Jamie helped lead a video workshop for the Slovene middle school campers.

He and a Slovene leader, Urh, taught the kids basic English words useful on set, such as "action," "cut," and "bring me coffee." The kids picked up the camera skills quickly, and were able to write and shoot an excellent thriller flick that was shown at the conclusion of camp. Enjoy it below:

Jamie was disappointed that he didn't get to be the star of the film, as he was looking to finally catch his big break. He reluctantly admitted that Urh did a great job in the role, and was much more excited to share that every shot in the video was filmed by a middle school student. Everyone at the end of camp talent show loved the video, and overall the camp was a great success.

Jamie is now getting back to the swing of American life, and he is always ready to talk about his trip, as well as any Team 302 business you might like to drum up. Check out our contact page to get in touch, and you'll be hearing from this blog again soon!

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